Blue-izona 2023 Juried Exhibition
We invite you to submit to our 2023 juried exhibition. We pay tribute to the the cyanotype. This exhibition consists of two categories, camera-less and camera-based images. Open to all cyanotype artists. Juried by Rebecca Ross.
The exhibition will run from Wednesday, September 27th 2023 - Saturday November 4th 2023 by appointment only.
Submission deadline: September 22nd, 2023
Opening reception Saturday September 30th from 6:00pm-9:00pm.

If your art includes a lens in its process submit here.
Submit up to 5 images. $40

If no lens was used in your process submit here.
Submit up to 5 images. $40
You are welcome to submit to both categories.
Juror Rebecca Ross is an independent curator and Co-Director of Programs for the Arizona Photo Alliance. She is an artist, educator, and photographer who first started working with the cyanotype process in the 1980s. Rebecca has completed over 15 public art projects and her photographs have been widely exhibited and collected by institutions such as Museum of Fine Arts-Houston, Harry Ransom Center, and Beinecke Library at Yale University.
There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in both categories and a combined 20 honorable mentions. The top three in each category will be printed and framed. The honorable mentions will be printed and either framed or displayed in some manner. All submissions will be shown via large screen or projected in the gallery during the opening reception and when the gallery is open.

... and the winner is.
At Photographic Works we are trying to make life a bit more fun. For those familiar with our Curious Camera event from the past, we handed out trophies to our winners. The thinking was that as artists we probably missed out.
It was so well received back then that we thought let’s do trophies for our Blue-izona Cyanotype competition. We plan on giving out trophies for other events in the future.
Here how it works…. If you place in the top three in Camera-based and or Camera-less categories you will receive a trophy. You will also get bragging rights and the admiration of others. The honorable mentions are not forgotten. You will get a beautiful certificate suitable for framing.
Our plan is to seek out more fun and happiness. For those who have asked we plan on bringing back Curious Camera.. and yes there will be trophies.